Whenever I include a video link here are a few instructions you need to use to follow that link and then return to the newsletter….
Whenever clicking on a link you will be brought to another web-site. To return to the Newsletter you must click on the BACK arrow at the top left of that page. (see photo left)

If the sound does not start with the video then click on the little speaker at the bottom right of that screen so that the x dissapears. (photo above)

Many times when you get to the link the video is in a small screen. You can enlarge that screen by clicking on the box found at the bottom right of that video page. (see photo above). To get out of full screen just hit the “Escape Button” it is marked “esc” on the key
Any questions about these instructions email me at [email protected] Tommy Mac

If your screen shows last week’s newsletter instead of the current one,
you can click the “Refresh” circle found at the top left of your screen (photo above) to get to the current newsletter

Remember how to return to the main page????